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Fire Marshal's Office

District Fire Marshal


Captain Zach Smallegan


To contact our Fire Marshal, email him at or call the Station at 636-937-6878.


District Fire Code

The Jefferson R-7 Fire Protection District has adopted the 2021 International Fire Code (IFC) as the official Fire Code of the District. The codes can be referenced by visiting the ICC website by clicking here.


Please note: In the case of conflict between various building codes and 2021 IFC, the most restrictive condition prescribed in the conflicting codes prevails as required for compliance during a on-site District Fire Marshal's Inspection.

Inspections & Permits

The Jefferson R-7 Fire Protection District issues mandatory Occupancy Permits for Non-Residential Occupancies only. An inspection and subsequent issuance of a Occupancy Permit is required for any change of ownership/occupancy of a non-residential structure, including temporary sale tents/stands.


The District also conducts mandatory inspections and permitting for any renovation or new construction of a Non-Residential Occupancy. All renovations and new construction projects require plans to be submitted for review and approval prior to construction commencing. This process is in addition to any and all processes required by Jefferson County and/or the State of Missouri as applicable. Any renovation which encompasses changes to the building involving 50% or more of the existing structure will require the entire facility to brought to currently adopted Fire Code compliance.


There is currently no residential inspection/permit process required by the Jefferson R-7 Fire Protection District. To request a courtesy residential inspection, contact us at the email or phone number listed above. A courtesy residential inspection is only meant to provide a homeowner with suggestions to improve Fire and Life safety inside/around the home and is not meant to replace any inspection process required by Jefferson County for new home construction or renovation.


The Jefferson R-7 Fire Protection District also conducts Annual Fire Inspections of Non-Residential Occupancies at mutually scheduled times with owners/occupants. The purpose of these inspections are to ensure continued voluntary Fire Code compliance following the insuance of Occupany Permits. These inspections also allow District Personnel to prepare and update Pre-Planned Response and Emergency Contact Information for non-residential occupancies in case of a future emergency response. To schedule a walk-through or annual inspection of your property, contact one of our Fire Marshals at the email or phone number listed above.

District Burning Regulations

The Jefferson R-7 Fire Protection District follows the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MO DNR) Burning Regulations for open burning activities within our district boundaries. Open burning is the burning of any materials in which air contaminants are emitted directly into the air without first passing through a stack or chimney. Those regulations and information can be found on the MO DNR Website by clicking here.


Any Burn Bans in effect will be prominently posted on the District Home Page.


Additionally, we ask that no burning activities take place on days in which the weather forecast/current observations includes any of the following for our area:

  • Winds (Sustained or Gusting) 15mph or greater

  • Humidity 40% or lower

  • Drought Conditions

  • Extreme Hot Temperatures


The District, when summoned by call for service to a burning activity, reserves the right to require and/or effect extinguishment of any burning activity, whether or not lawful in accordance to DNR regulations, at any time for any reason.


The District reminds residents to burn responsibly and never leave open flames and/or burning material unattended. When burning, always have a method of extinguishment on hand and don't wait to call 911 for help if things get out of control.

© 2024 Jefferson R-7 Fire Protection District. All Rights Reserved.

13000 State Road TT, Festus, MO 63028

Phone 636-937-6878   Fax 636-937-3600

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